My intention is to inspire – on and off the yoga mat
Sometimes life is rough and we all need a bit of lightness to help us through. A person to lean on and a place to feel safe. A room in which to learn, to share, and to grow. I hope to be able to provide that to my students, my friends, and my readers.

Live life to the fullest, without fear – om durgaya namah
We are each the creators of our own lives. Rarely does life hand us an easy existence. It’s all about gaining perspective and making the most out of the time we have and what we’ve been given. And, of course, appreciating the little things.
That is why I travel the world, teach yoga, and share my story with people I meet.

What you'll read on my blog
In a nutshell, all about my life and my year-long struggle with an incurable disease. All about how my yoga journey has helped me find my center and how meditation has changed my life. All about little tips & tricks you can apply to help you find more balance in your day-to-day business and how to find your way to cope with the mental challenges of modern life.

My Fundraising Campaign
If you would like to support me on my journey around the world and back to my health and myself, please take a look at my GoFundMe campaign. Feel free to also contact me for more information via social media or the contact form on this website.
To hit the road and see the world
To live life to the fullest
To feel and experience